with Steam

Adding steam login to your game is easy 😄, thanks to the Modified EOS Subsystem.

Step 1

Go to DevPortal, then open up your product, then Product Settings.

Step 2

Now go to Identity Providers, and press on Add Identity Provider

Step 3

Select Steam as Identity Provider, and some description(Any would work). Now copy the Steam ID from SteamWorks website.

Press on Save & Exit.

Step 4

Now go to Sandboxes, then select Identity Providers and select the value for Steam.

Step 5

Now headover to Unreal Engine, then Plugins and enable Online Subsystem Steam

Step 6

So, everything is going great till here 🎉. Now, in DefaultEngine.ini of the Config Folder, add these lines.


Now modify the [OnlineSubsystem] to


Step 7

Now, call Login with Steam to finally login 😄

DONE! Now enjoy 🎉

Last updated